Genuinely Seeking
Genuinely Seeking is a compendium of visual art and writing from Bridget O'Gorman, Fiona Reilly, Cara Farnan, Lily O’Shea and Radical Institute (Dr Eve Olney and Dr Krini Kafiris), that addresses our notion of time, and critically disturbs our attitude of it in work processes. It is aimed at embedding practices of support and interdependence, a meditation on alternative approaches to time and process, that will hopefully initiate a broader conversation.
The title is taken from Fiona Reilly’s work, “a series of 130 drawings made in snippets of time I stole for myself between nappy changes and naps. They were a way of thinking through the intensity of daily life as a new mother; the physical, mental and emotional labour of mothering as well as the social and political reality of my new role. With affordable childcare unattainable I did not qualify for a social welfare payment as, due to my full time care responsibilities, I was deemed not available for, capable of, or genuinely seeking work.”
Genuinely Seeking is a book published by Bloomers and edited by Rachel Botha, recipient of Bloomers Emerging Editor Award in 2022.