Rachel Botha

Take hold

Take hold
is a publication of art and writing that explores the idea of hope as a way of processing our present in order to allow us to think about our future. It includes invited contributions from Husk Bennett, Dreambean, Laura Fitzgerald, Cecelia Graham, Marielle MacLeman, Aifric Prior Beliere and Michaela Razafima. Nash. A collection of responses that encourage a vulnerability to reflect on our conditions as artists and humans, and to develop an interconnectedness to look forward collectively. 

A special thanks to the design collective Models and Constructs (Adam Carr and Jamie Smyth), and copy editor Dean Fee.

Kindly supported by the ArtLinks Professional Bursary Award and the Agility Award, Arts Council of Ireland.


︎︎︎  Good Press (Glasgow)
︎︎︎ TACO! (London)
︎︎︎ CCA Derry~Londonderry
︎︎︎ The Library Project (Dublin)
︎︎︎ The Douglas Hyde Gallery (Dublin)
︎︎︎ VISUAL Carlow